Pure Natural Healing Program Review: Ekim 2016

29 Ekim 2016 Cumartesi

Pure Natural Healing” manual will change your life forever.

Master Lim is able to create faster, more consistent
and more permanent results.
Like Linda, a 70-year-old firecracker who had
excruciating arthritis pain in her knees.
Linda was a vivacious woman who was full of life
and loved her freedom.
Yet she was suffering from depression because she
could not walk anymore. She went for acupuncture.
But relief lasted such a short time.
However, she came to see Master Lim... and after
learning the simple techniques he taught her...
without drugs or surgery, she was able to walk
freely again. Eventually, she was abl to walk
faster than her younger sister.
While being able to walk again may seem small
to someone else, for Linda, it was like getting her
life back.
Then there was the story of Paul, who was in his
late 50s... and had vertigo — a condition where
you cannot keep your balance — that was so bad
that one time... he couldn’t even drive his car.
With Master Lim’s straightforward and
uncomplicated instructions... Paul went home
and did the soothing exercises he was taught and
the vertigo vanished.
And even his doctor, after a thorough checkup,
could not find any trace of it. And unlike what
Western medicine says... vertigo is NOT caused
by the ear.
Master Lim knew exactly which meridian point
was blocked and therefore causing the vertigo.
He taught Paul an easy 5-minute exercise to do
every day at a specific time of the day. Paul was
able to literally “massage” the blockage away.

And there was Barbara, the 71-year-old lady who
was doomed to take cholesterol medication for
the rest of her life.
But by knowing which of her meridian points were
blocked... she learned how to rub the blockages
away . Now Barbara is completely free of her
cholesterol medications.
Her doctor, trained in Western medicine... doesn’t
understand how it happened... but had no choice
but to accept the fact that her cholesterol was fine.